Condoleezza Rice

CRank: 5Score: 27400

we're all eager to see who submitted this

5933d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I absolutely can not wait to play this amazing game,hopefully we won't have to wait 'til TGS to see more of the next big RPG!

5933d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

So I want to know where the 6 came from?

5933d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm still laughing!

5933d ago 10 agree5 disagreeView comment

I think we should just laugh when articles such as these pop up.

I'll start it off;LOL!

5933d ago 26 agree12 disagreeView comment

You didn't read the comment,did you?

Because that is,quite frankly,the only logical answer as to how you could come up with such a post.

5933d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You can't offer 'the next Playstation' that comes equipped with a Blu Ray player for anything less than $300 at this point,the Blu Ray drive alone is worth $200,throw in everything else,and you can see why the Playstation 3 is an excellent value at $399

Now as for the 360,it just had a price cut in Europe not too long ago,so I wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft have one planned for the US as well.BUT,it should be noted that if Microsoft do indeed slash the price,it most likely wo...

5933d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Then it's coming during E3.Just be patient fellow gamers,perfection goes hand in hand with time!

5933d ago 10 agree3 disagreeView comment

Retro are going to deliver another outstanding game,Metroid Prime was such a great gameplay experience.

5933d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Exactly,it's at 3 Million shipped.

I'll need a link for that "800,000 still in stores" statement.

5933d ago 9 agree7 disagreeView comment

It's clear the game has done well internationally,and with the title only recently launching in Spain,Hideo Kojimas masterpiece will have very good numbers when it's all said and done.

5933d ago 10 agree8 disagreeView comment

It's going to be used in future Video game platforms.I'm positive the PsP 2 will be using Touch Screen tech for some buttons.

5933d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You're about a Year and a half late on that one.

5933d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Look at this:

A lot of angry people in there ^ ,not surprising at all.

5933d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

All the characters from the upcoming DC Universe for the Playstation 3,and from the MK Side; Liu Kang,Raiden,Scorpion,Sub-Zero, Sonya,Mileena/Kitana,Johnny Cage,Reptile,and a few others.

5933d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

And this ^ ,is exactly why Blu Ray will be the last great Disc Format.

5933d ago 10 agree4 disagreeView comment

Looking great as expected!

5933d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

The Playstation brand has positioned itself as the leading brand for your 'all in 1' box desires,needs,and wants,one look at the latest Hardware sales figures and it's clear;Consumers are responding to Sony's recent efforts into acquiring more Software,enhancing the Playstation Network experience,and lastly,building upon the trust it has established with its fan base by delivering desired features and maintaining an outstanding customer service branch.

With the 2 greatest games o...

5933d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

These guys have A LOT to live up,if they can't make COD5 better than COD 4 then we're going to see a lot of backtracking.

5933d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

God of War has influenced a lot of games,can't wait for GOW III.

5933d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment